Your voice matters! Help us customize your online experience.

Are you hiring educators?

Submit your current openings or request resumes from Teach225's talent database.

Helping You Hire Quality Candidates

Let us take the guess work out of hiring efficient and effective teachers and help you connect with dedicated educators who are passionate about teaching in Baton Rouge. Scroll to learn more.

Share a job opening.

Fill out the form below to have your job opening shared on our website. This service is applicable to schools and employers in the Greater Baton Rouge area. Our team will review the listing and reach out when it is uploaded to the site, or if we have any questions or concerns.

Looking to only browse resumes?

Maybe you aren't ready to list a *job opening on our site, but you are interested in browsing our resume database. Please fill out this form to be granted access.

*If you filled out the form above and selected "yes" to receive relevant resumes. you do not have to fill out this additional form.

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Schedule a call with Jasmine to discuss your future as a teacher, how to get involved with Teach225, and more!

Or contact our team. Contact Us

Jasmine Simmons

Talent Manager