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Jada McNabb: Educator Spotlight

April 22, 2024

Meet Jada McNabb, our spotlighted educator from Baton Rouge Ochsner Discovery Academy.

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Meet Jada McNabb, a beloved second-grade teacher at Baton Rouge Ochsner Discovery. With a warm smile and boundless enthusiasm, Jada delights in guiding her students through their educational journey, relishing every moment as she witnesses their growth and progress. When she's not in the classroom, you can find her soaking up quality time with her adorable five-year-old son, embracing the joys of motherhood with the same passion she brings to teaching.

Educator Spotlight featuring Jada McNabb, an educator at Baton Rouge Ochsner Discovery. The image shows Jada McNabb lovingly embracing a young child who is giving her a kiss on the cheek. The text includes a quote from Jada: 'One of my favorite things about being an educator is seeing my students grow from the beginning to the end of the school year.'

What’s your favorite thing(s) about being an educator?

  • One of my favorite things about being an educator is seeing my students grow from the beginning to the end of the school year. It is beautiful to know where they started and how they can now apply all the concepts I have taught them.

How do you like to unwind?

  • I like to unwind by being around my family. They make me laugh daily and reassure me that the work I am doing is a blessing and my calling.

What is your favorite thing about Baton Rouge?

  • My favorite things about Baton Rouge are the culture and the food. Here, I can get a mix of everything.

What is your favorite Baton Rouge restaurant?

  • My favorite Baton Rouge restaurant is Chimes. I love their oysters.
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