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Joy: Educator Spotlight

September 15, 2023

Meet our Educator spotlight of this month, Joy, a Kindergarten teacher at Impact Charter School in Baker, La. 

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Shaping the future, one crayon at a time! When she's not wrangling kindergarteners, you can find her resting, shopping, or spending time with her family. Meet our Educator spotlight of this month, Joy, a Kindergarten teacher at Impact Charter School in Baker, La. 

Joy smiles at the camera. Text reads: Educator Spotlight, Joy Simmons, Impact Charter Schools

What do you teach and where?

 I teach Kindergarten at Impact Charter School located in Baker, Louisiana.

What’s your favorite thing about being an educator? 

My favorite thing about being an educator is being able to have fun and build relationships with my students, while also making a positive impact in their lives. 

How do you like to unwind?

After a day of teaching tiny humans, I love to spend time with my family, play toon blast on my ipad and drink a glass of my favorite wine, Stella Blueberry. 

Three things on your bucket list: 

 Three things on my bucket list are: to definitely travel to Africa, travel to Paris, and start a non-profit organization. 

On her day off, Joy is most likely doing this: 

Resting, shopping, playing toon blast or spending time with family. 

Favorite book: 

 I don’t have a favorite book, but I enjoy reading love stories or anything to make a positive impact in my life. 

This song will immediately get me out my seat:  

Tucka- Book of Love

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